Friday, June 10, 2011

Pretty Headbands

Now that it's spring, I see more and more pretty headbands around, especially ones with flowers. I thought I'd give them a try; I don't usually wear headbands or pins.

I've been searching for some nice ones and found a bunch on Etsy.

So many cute headbands. How do I choose!?


Shianhan said...

J Crew has tons of cute headbands (and clips). I found some really good deals at the outlet mall and downtown.

Tommy said...

I really like the first one you posted, and the second to the last. Not sure why, but they stand out to me. I think head bands for girls is a really cute accessory.

Creepy Jen said...

thanks shan!

and tommy, i think it is adorable that you even commented on this post. :)