Thursday, May 19, 2011

lil' kevin drawings

I don't know how the subject came up, but Kevin and I started discussing about how all little boys draw super muscley guys. And it's true! He could remember exactly how he used to draw them and demonstrated for me:
Look how HUGE the arms are and how small his head is. Needless to say, I was cracking up. I love how one foot is way bigger than the other and that he's wearing Hulk shorts. I bet EVERY guy remembers drawing a picture like this.

Then he proceeded to show me the little chubby character he used to draw when he was little:
Haha. I guess he always had that artist blood in him.

They were so funny, I just had to share.


Tommy said...

Wow, that is awesome. What was that company that does that angry face?

Creepy Jen said...

no fear/bad boyz

Loud n Brown said...

i'm trying to think of something snarky to say . . . . like these look like someone . . . .