Saturday, May 28, 2011

i love i love lucy

Borders recently had a 50% off coupon and I figured I'd make really good use out of it and buy something I've always wanted but didn't buy because it's kind of pricey.

This show seriously helped to shape who I am today. I've been watching it since elementary school and it has always been a favorite. Lucille Ball is such a genius and I still crack up laughing even though I've seen every episode a billion times.
I was so excited when it finally arrived in the mail. So guess what we're watching all weekend...
Oh man, I love these guys. :)


Jessica said...

You bought it!! Can I watch some with you sometime!? I love me some lucy : )

Jessica said...

This is Jess G, by the way---I guess the computer has decided to call me Jessica tho. : ( i love your blog too!

Loud n Brown said...

carmen needs to follow this blog . . . . so she can spit soda in shock of THIS very post

Tommy said...

I would like to see a post on how I love lucy has shaped your life