Saturday, April 28, 2012

Long Term Project: Bucilla Honeycomb Afghan

What a shame! It's a partly sunny Saturday and Kevin and I are holed up in our apartment with the flu. There's a lot of orange juice/tea drinking and chicken noodle soup eating going on. On the bright side, this will give me a chance to watch old Arrested Development and Golden Girls episodes, and work on a new long-term project.

I recently went on a Goodwill run and, to my amazement, found two completely unopened Bucilla crocheted afghan kits from the 1970s. I'm currently working on one of them now:
Crocheting all of those little honeycombs sure is time consuming, but it's still fun and the end result will be awesome!
Eventually it'll all come together like this:

I'll keep you updated with the finished product when I'm all done. Only 90 more pieces to go!

1 comment:

Loud n Brown said...

wowsers! i just finished a project of myself. 3 days :) and $53

not too shabby
make sure to show Kage